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My Body Safety Awareness

24 March 2021

In this current situation, it becomes essential to transfer some important knowledge to the young ones. The students in Kindergarten 1 and 2 of Montessori have an opportunity to enrich their knowledge about body safety awareness with our beloved counselor, Miss Ratna Kusumawati, M.Psi, Psi. This activity has some purposes such as to develop children’s awareness of their body belongings, private parts, good touch, bad touch, and safety network.


The students have some explanations about their body that belongs to them and the importance of knowing their body parts names, especially their private parts. They also have been introduced to their genital names and how to take care of them. Moreover, they learn that “private is a private” and nobody is allowed to see their private parts unless their safety network. Through the song “Talk Pants with Pantosaurus and His Pants”, the students are advised to refuse by saying “NO” to protect themselves. After this explanation, Miss Ratna invites the students to design their pants as a hands-on activity.



Speaking about ‘good touch’ and ‘bad touch’, the students get chances to give their opinion through some pictures shown. They gain some information about ‘good touch’ and ‘bad touch’ definitions before reaching that session. Good touch or we can say safe touch is something that makes us feel safe, good, happy, right, secure, and comfortable. It can be done only by children’s safety networks like family and with their permission. On the other hand, bad touch makes someone feel unsafe, bad, sad, angry, upset, and uncomfortable. The students are allowed to say “NO” to refuse the bad touch, especially to strangers.


It’s really nice to see the students’ responses while giving their opinion whether it is a good or bad touch by giving thumbs up or down. They are elicited by observing the picture. To close the discussion in this session, they have an activity to paste the green sticker for good touch and red sticker for the bad ones on the body templates.


Next, the students are introduced to the safety network. This network is the one trusted by the child and parents. This network has the purpose to ensure the child that they can share what they feel specifically about their private problem. They have someone to talk to if there is something crucial or unexpected comes. The students can speak up to their parents, teachers, and close relatives.


During the presentation, discussion, and activities, the students seem so involved. They express their ideas, thoughts, and experiences confidently. What a glad time we have to deliver something essential in a fun way. In the end, Miss Ratna gives the conclusion about the PANTS Rules: Privates are private, Always remember your body belongs to you, NO means no, Talk about secrets that upset you, Speak up, someone can help.


Stay safe, always be aware, Kiddos!


Written by: Nova Manik
Edited by: Eti Triyana, Bernadette Sinaga, and Angela Manurung
Photos by: K1 and K2 Homerooms

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