News & Events

Early Childhood
Around The World Off We Go
05 April 2021

This theme will guide us to learn about continents and their countries.

Early Childhood
School Readiness Test “Maturity Is The Key"
01 April 2021

This test aims to reveal children's school abilities and to see the level of maturity and readiness of children to enter Elementary School education.

Early Childhood
Happy Earth, Happy Earth
01 April 2021

We discuss Earth as the only one living planet in the solar system.

Early Childhood
My Body Safety Awareness
24 March 2021

This activity has some purposes such as to develop children’s awareness of their body belongings, private parts, good touch, bad touch, and safety network.

Junior High School
Cambridge Check Point From Home, Pandemic Situation
20 March 2021

The subjects that will be tested are English as a second language, Mathematics, and Science.

Early Childhood
Explored The Solar System And Saving Earth Through Fun Activities
19 March 2021

This activity helps the students to have an awareness about the environment.

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Virtual 360
Virtual 360