News & Events


01 October 2024

Just like its slogan, 'the candied crescendos,' FORTALS 2024: Dulcero has given me so many sweet memories and gifts. As we know, FORTALS is the Festival of Arts of Global Prestasi School, an annual art event organized by Global Prestasi High School, featuring exciting themes and well-known musicians from Indonesia. This year, my fellow committee members and I were thrilled to be entrusted with continuing this 14-year tradition.


Many think that FORTALS is just an event where students can enjoy performances by famous guest stars. Some juniors were even hesitant to join the FORTALS organization because they thought it was too demanding, making it hard to have fun or bond with their teammates. While it's true that organizing a performance event isn’t as easy as it seems, being part of FORTALS isn’t that overwhelming. We shared plenty of laughs during the process, and the bond between our team grew stronger.

Over time, more and more friends wanted to join the FORTALS committee. It felt great knowing that many Global Prestasi High School students were following the process of organizing this event. Some friends even shared their own enjoyable experiences from FORTALS. It wasn’t just about strengthening the bond between the committee members but also about gaining valuable organizational experience. Your communication and negotiation skills improve, and every committee member’s creativity is constantly sharpened to deliver a memorable event for all participants.

The preparation started in September when we organized the committee structure, which required us to understand the unique characteristics and special potentials of each member. Then, we moved on to deciding on a unique concept, something different from previous years. After discussions with all committee members, we agreed on a candy theme. Through this year's theme, we hoped that FORTALS would become a sweet memory for all participants.


Next, we had to find a Guest Star. In this process, we learned about business strategies. After analyzing and reviewing our target audience, this year we aimed to attract viewers of all ages and music genres. In the end, we chose The Changcuters and Maliq & D'Essentials, who successfully lit up the FORTALS stage with memorable performances. In fact, on the day of the event, one of my friends was thrilled to have caught a guitar pick from The Changcuters – lucky him!

As the event day approached, there were many preparations we had to make. Like any performance event, we learned how to run a business by selling tickets and fundraising, collaborating with companies, branding through both offline and digital media, preparing equipment, planning the event schedule, and much more.

One thing we always maintained throughout the preparation for FORTALS was keeping a serious yet enjoyable atmosphere during coordination. We mixed work with laughter, trusted each other, and took responsibility for our tasks. We fostered an attitude of being actively involved and always wanting to grow, not just in the core team but across the entire committee. This way, not only did the organization grow, but each member’s skills also improved. Many of us didn’t know each other at first, but now we’ve become close friends.

The committee wasn’t only supported by other committee members. The teachers were also happy to support us, not only by giving advice and guidance regarding our tasks and responsibilities but also by providing a lot of mental support. They never stopped encouraging us, ensuring us that the event would be a success. Their enthusiasm matched ours for the success of this much-anticipated event.


FORTALS became even more lively with performances from Global Prestasi School students. Many performers showcased their talents on stage, including modern dance and band performances. Besides being a committee member, I was also involved in a band performance. The exhaustion from rehearsals was worth it when we could give our best performance on stage. Through this event, the talents and creativity of Global Prestasi School students were well expressed. We, as students, received the appreciation we deserved. It also boosted the performers’ confidence and motivated them to keep working hard to showcase their talents.


Looking back on the FORTALS event, I feel truly grateful that many visitors enjoyed the event and captured their happy moments. Singing together, dancing, jumping, and eagerly answering questions to win the prizes prepared by the committee. Not to forget the tenants and sponsors who also contributed to the success of the event. We were so happy to work with and support each other.

By the grace of God, the event was attended by a good number of external visitors, just as we had hoped. On behalf of the entire committee, I would like to thank everyone involved, starting with the entire FORTALS committee, the representatives from the Foundation, the teachers, parents, support teams, security, custodial staff, tenants, sponsors, vendors, all Global Prestasi School students, performers, and of course, our amazing Guest Stars! Without you, FORTALS wouldn’t have been the sweet memory it is for all of us.

author: Keisha Eleora Tambunan (Head of Comitee Fortals Dulcero 2024)
: Lady Yesisca

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